Howey Food Pantry

Howey Food Pantry and Lake Cares Food Pantry


The Howey Community Church Food Panty, 500 N. Palm Ave., Howey-in-the-Hills, FL 34737 (352-552-1329)

The Howey Community Church Food Panty supports over 30 local families, distributing food on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  The Food Pantry is in urgent need of non-perishable food:  canned soups and vegetables, cereal, pasta and pasta sauce.  To arrange a food drop-off at the Howey Community Church, please call Caroline at 814-282-2003. Send monetary contributions to:  The Howey Community Church, 500 N. Palm Avenue, Howey-in-the-Hills, FL 34737.

If you need food assistance contact Caroline at 814-282-2003.

Thank you

Lake Cares 2001 West Old Hwy 441, STE 1, Mt. Dora, FL 32757 (352-383-0100)

Lake Cares with the support of Howey Community Church members and facilities is a pick-up location the 1st Wednesday of each month.

For more information go to