March 2023 is Florida Bicycle Month

The Town of Howey-in-the-Hills is proud to announce that a Proclamation has been adopted, celebrating March 2023 as Florida Bicycle Month. The proclamation was issued by the Mayor and the Town Council of Howey-in-the-Hills on March 13, 2023, in recognition of the many benefits that cycling provides to our community.

Cycling is an excellent way to stay healthy, reduce traffic congestion, and protect our environment. With the warm and sunny weather of Florida, cycling is a popular activity for residents and visitors alike. The town of Howey-in-the-Hills encourages everyone to take advantage of the many opportunities to participate in cycling events, to use bicycles for transportation whenever possible, and to support efforts to make cycling safer and more accessible in our community.

The proclamation is a significant step in promoting cycling in Howey-in-the-Hills. It serves as a reminder of the town's commitment to promoting safe and healthy modes of transportation and encourages residents to consider cycling as a viable option for commuting and recreation. By celebrating March 2023 as Florida Bicycle Month, the town hopes to raise awareness about the benefits of cycling and encourage everyone to give it a try.

The town of Howey-in-the-Hills encourages everyone to celebrate Florida Bicycle Month by joining cycling events, using bicycles for transportation whenever possible, and supporting efforts to make cycling safer and more accessible in our community. Let us all work together to make Howey-in-the-Hills a more bike-friendly town and enjoy the many benefits that cycling provides for our health, our environment, and our community.